Male Caregivers Drop-In

Every second Thursday of the month at Metrocentre Community Hub

Join us in the Metrocentre Community Hub for a morning of laughs, chats and good company! The Male Caregivers Drop-in gives local guys who care for a loved one a chance to meet other caregivers, learn about different services and enjoy some time away from the caring role.

This session will also include an opportunity for you to help us plan the upcoming Male Caregiver’s group activities for 2025. Whether it’s growing veggies on an allotment or visiting parts of the North East, we need your ideas and feedback on what’s next for the group.

If you’re caring for a friend or family member, we think it would be great to see you at our session!

This is a drop-in session so please do pop in and stay for as long as you’d like.

To learn more about the session and Caregivers Connected Gateshead, be sure to visit their website: